Done by the Forces of Nature
Vegan Cheese but Delicious
Cheesemakers are pushing the boundaries of cultured, plant-based milks, producing more compelling vegan cheeses than ever before. The Barn Cat, a vegan cheese made by Stephen Babaki of Conscious Cultures Creamery, is part of a new wave of bloomy-rind vegan...
What Will We Eat in 2020?
The food forecasters are at it again, predicting the next big vegetables and sweets, cuisines and causes. Food from Japan, like soufflé pancakes, is expected to keep enchanting American diners in 2020.Romulo Yanes for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Vivian Lui. If...
Ketosis IV – Autophagy
Autophagy and Fasting: The Mystery Behind It https://youtu.be/rDzIbkyr5QQ Autophagy is a hot topic. Yoshinori Ohsumi’s 2016 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine converted the medical world’s previous whispers and murmurings about Autophagy and fasting into a...
The King of Keto: Dom D’Agostino
in conversation with Tim Ferris. Please enjoy this transcript of my second episode featuring Dominic D’Agostino, assistant professor in the department of molecular pharmacology and physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. It was...
The Case for the Keto Diet
M.D. Anderson on the Keto Diet and Cancer by Annette Bosworth M.D. https://youtu.be/Whe-yFPrzGg I first became curious about the keto diet and cancer in 2015. I am a medical doctor that specializes in internal medicine. That means I focus on patients’ ‘long game.’ I...
Ketosis – Keto and Cancer
M.D. Anderson on the Keto Diet and Cancer I first became curious about the keto diet and cancer in 2015. I am a medical doctor that specializes in internal medicine. That means I focus on patients’ ‘long game.’ I think about questions like: What are the consequences...
Top 10 Superfoods, Some of the Best to Add to Your Diet
This is our top 10 superfoods list of recommendations for those of you looking to increase your own nutrition potential by eating some of the best quality "nutritionally condensed" foods available. As problems associated with adrenal fatigue, malnourishment,...
Ketosis for Starters
A few weeks ago I contemplated fasting. Digging deeper into the science of fasting I stumbled upon the Keto diet. I found this introduction by Annette Bosworth M.D.. It is the most easily comprehensible introduction I was able to find. A vegan myself I can tell the...
Bruce Nauman
Human Nature – Life Death – Knows Doesn’t Know.
Ditch the almond milk: why everything you know about sustainable eating is probably wrong.
From cod to clingfilm, the advice we’re given can often be confusing. If you’re serious about eating green, here are some straightforward solutions. In food and drink, we all want to do the right thing. We want to shop and eat sustainably. But,...
Georgia O’Keeffe and Cheese, New Mexico
Photo: Tony Vaccaro
Eat More Veggies
Dr. Cowan’s Garden makes nutritious vegetable powders. Founded by Dr. Thomas Cowan, these powders aim to make eating more vegetables easier. As a holistic physician, it didn’t take Dr. Cowan long to realize that eating small amounts of a variety of vegetables was a...
5 Superfood Powders That Will Change the Way You Feel
The term ‘superfood’ is defined as a nutrient-dense food that also provides medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Packed with vital vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals, these foods can also help ward-off chronic disease while supporting...
Performance pArty
How to Throw a Dinner Party Like a Performance Artist In 2012, as a Cooper Union sophomore, the artist and chef DeVonn Francis threw a dinner party for his classmates. He had recently become taken with a performance class taught by the artist Sharon Hayes and blended...
Slayer of the Wellness Industry
When you’ve done the makeup of basically everyone in the world except the Queen of England, what else could be next? On a strangely warm morning in late winter, the cosmetics tycoon Bobbi Brown was in her new headquarters here: a former auto body shop left with pipes...
Next – Generation Superfood Supplements
— With Beauty Benefits Dietary supplements aren’t exactly new news. The supplement market in the U.S. is currently worth $133 billion, according to Zion Market Research, and a crop of new start-ups like Care/Of and Ritual will now deliver personalized vitamin...