Inner peace with a side of abs, no beliefs required. On a sweaty Sunday morning in Los Angeles, two dozen sexy people are laying out, starfish-style, on the concrete platform at the base of Runyon Canyon. Their eyes are closed, and they are breathing in through their...
How to Make Bulletproof Tea the Tim Ferriss Way Some of you asked what that weird tea + butter drink I’ve been making in my Snapchat story was. When he was releasing his TV show, Tim Ferriss put out a short video on the “morning cocktail” (Titanium Tea) that he drinks...
“Our ancestors did not eat three meals a day plus snacks”. Fasting Diets Are Gaining Acceptance Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging in Maryland, has not had breakfast in 35 years. Most days he practices a form of fasting —...
Bompas & Parr’s Imminent Future of Food report forecasts culinary trends for 2018 Food design studio Bompas & Parr has compiled a report that predicts seven trends it believes will shape what’s on our plates over the next year, from the flesh of...